Friday, October 16, 2015

strawberries, you're doing it wrong!!

One of my June-bearing* strawberry plant didn't get the memo. It's blooming now. Late SUMMER!!

Strawberry plant, you're doing it wrong!

SEE. LOOK!  I have now fully documented on media the shame of this rogue plant. If they spend their effort putting forth a harvest now, then they might not produce as well come next June. WRONG!

Little strawberry plant shouldn't feel so bad. Apparently there are a lot of things I do WRONG. The inter webs tell me I've been cutting watermelon WRONG, I've been addressing my emails WRONG, I've been wrapping my duvet WRONG (not that I have one), apparently I've even been eating tic-tac's WRONG for years.

I shouldn't feel so bad. Apparently there are a lot of things the world does WRONG. Moms & dads are doing it WRONG. Democrats, Republicans, Yoga pant wearers all are WRONG WRONG WRONG! Full documentation on social media shows the shame.

Our world sayith let all eyes be on the shamed & never the mocker, the scoffer, the critic.

In truth, a critical attitude says very little about the state of the world around me, but instead says volumes about my ultimate trust in HIM - the Faithful One. If the character of my heart knew Him better as the Great I AM, I wouldn't need to iron my undergarments from their giant twists.

Strawberries, I let you bloom. Though you didn't adhere to my plan.

Yes, there is still wrong in this world. Yes, in a loving relationship we can encourage people to turn towards God. But first check out the plank that may be in your eye (Matt 5:7). & if it is a stone you seek to throw just put it down, even if your right (John 8:1-9). 

Then Jesus stood up again and said to the woman, “Where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?” “No, Lord,” she said. And Jesus said, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.”  
John 8:10 & 11

*June-bearing strawberries have one big harvest per year. Harvest can start as early as March thru June. In contrast Everbearing strawberries produce a steady harvest throughout the growing season.

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