Monday, September 1, 2014

lurking in the leaves

Want to grow a garden? Start with green beans. My personal preference are pole beans. They grow like a vine so you can even plant them in atypical garden spaces.  

In August & September I enjoy harvesting green beans daily - this year I have separate pole bean towers.  It's important that I turn over all the leaves in search of ripe beans. If I miss one, it will turn tough & the beans start protruding from the typical slender shape.

This year one of my towers has become home to a giant grasshopper (I didn't know God made them that big!).  I found him when I was turning over leaves. Rather he found me. He is reliable to show up when I least expect him, but refuses to be photographed.  He may be a she... I never think to ask. I named him/her Wilber.

I ran into Wilber again today. For the first time he hopped off entirely off the tower & I could finally harvest in peace.

As I continued to over turn leaves today it became quite clear, I fear Wilber. This became more obvious as I found green beans hiding everywhere that had become over-ripe & several rotten. This subtle fear had altered my behavior. I was now missing out on the good stuff...because I was afraid of what might be lurking in the leaves.

My surprise wasn't really that fear motivates me to miss out on things - although it is always a good reminder.  There is much to digest on this part alone.

My revelation was that I HAD NOT REALIZED I WAS AFRAID.

The fear shackles that do the most damage are the ones we don't acknowledge.

I hadn't noticed how timidly I was weaseling my way through the green beans to avoid the surprise of a Godzilla-sized hopper jumping out at me.  I would have never noticed the untouched fruit had the threat not jumped away.  Above all, what can Wilber really do to me anyway?  His only power is to scare me.

What about you? I don't usually ask you much, but today I am asking you to notice. Notice your fears, however irrational.  Notice the why behind your actions.  Is it time to dismiss this power in your life?

A life lived in fear misses everything & gives nothing.  To impact the world, we simply must throw off our fears & live in freedom.

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, 
but gives us power, 
love and self-discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7

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