Wednesday, April 8, 2015

up a birdseed view

I like birds. They don't really care for me. For a time, they liked my bird feeder that I got for Mother's Day last year. It brought such joy as different birds paid my feed a visit. Success! I'm helping the birdies! Maybe they like me. 

They stopped frequenting late last summer when the bird feeder was neglected. I can't really blame them, I broke trust. I delivered & then I didn't. The well ran dry & they moved on. Logically makes sense. But really, is there anything more sad then an empty bird feeder?

I say yes. A full, abandoned one. Late in the season I was ready to shape up & show up. I filled the feeder, I wasn't going to let them down again. But the birds had none of it. They didn't come back.

A few weeks ago - Now spring I was eager to try again. New bird seed, new year, new start. We get new beginnings right? Especially in real relationships & not just birdseed related ones of my dramatic back yard. (my mind channel flips to a reality TV preview on desperate lil' birds of helen's yard)

The stink of the human condition. Some relationships, it doesn't matter how you try, will they ever be the same again? The birds still did not come back. 

3-4 weeks after 2015 feeder went up, I watched the untouched $40 piece of food filled plastic sway in the wind. I let this sad message of broken trust sink in. Humans! Who needs them? Humans! Why do I have to be such a human too! Silence. Sigh. Silence.

"I Am always faithful" - He broke the silence.

"yes Lord, You Are."  Here I was feeling pitiful because I've been 'consistent' & haven't built back a bird's trust.  God knows what that is like & His consistent faithfulness supersedes mine beyond all comparison. I'm a lot closer in comparison to an un-trusting bird.

How seldom I dwell on His faithfulness. I throw my head in the air & whine instead of opening my eyes to see God providing the manna.
God does not have a faithfulness problem, I have a gratitude problem.
It is the practice of gratitude that opens our eyes to see His faithfulness.

Gratitude is not the act of spraying perfume on manure & fooling ourselves into being happy with it. Gratitude is simply seeking & recognizing the flower that grows out of the fertilizer. & my friend, if there is simply no flower or fruit, it is time to stop looking at the pooh.

The stink of the human condition ought never outweigh the faithfulness of God in our thoughts.

No birds. Oh well.


God is not human, that He should lie, 
not a human being, that He should change His mind. 
Does He speak and then not act? 
Does He promise and not fulfill? 
Numbers 23:19

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